Norma Gregory
Online Giving
The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. So, if you are away on a Sunday, ENJOY; but, remember YOUR church. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via our Online Giving at link below:
9:00 AM Mass at VIS
4: 30 AM Mass at PSJ
6:00 PM Mass at SJOW
8:00 AM Mass at SJOW
9: 30 AM Mass at VIS
11:30 PM Mass at SJOW
Norma Gregory
The CCD Registration Form is ready for families to pick up at the entrance to church or you can go to the parish website:
Please register as soon as possible so that we can prepare for the year make students lists for each grade and teachers can prepare.
We are very fortunate to be able to have CCD classes for our young people from Pre-K to 8th grade; First Communion classes for 2nd grade and older. These help them know their Faith, learn to live it and love it. Please give your children this opportunity by registering them for CCD. Please contact Sr. Theresa: 253-592-2541 or for more information.
We still accept registration till the end of September, the last day is Oct. 6th.
Please register your child as soon as possible.
We are blessed to have class from Prek to high school.
Registration forms in the church vestibule OR pick up from the Parish Office, or online at
Coming Soon !!!
Starting Monday, September 09, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Pope St. John XXIII Religious Center.
For anyone from 16-106 who is:
1) Interested in learning more about the Catholic faith
2) Would like to be Baptized Catholic or confirmed
3) A lapsed Catholic
4) Anyone wanting a refresher.
It’s going to be GREAT!!!
We invite you to come take a deeper look into the Catholic Faith.
Please email LB Gilmer at or contact Sr. Theresa at (253) 592-2541.
Class will be offered for parents and godparents who have new born babies and children under 7 years old. PSJXXIII Every Second Saturday
1:00 –2:30pm class in English
By Deacon Theman
At Pope St John XXIII Parish Center. Please call Sr. Theresa at 592-2541 or email <>
A Catholic parish is the single most important part of our Catholic Church. Our church is where we continue the mission of Jesus Christ. Here we publicly express our faith and give witness of our communion with God and with one another.
There are several reasons to register:
· A sense of belonging and identity in a parish community.
· Provides the parish community with a way to welcome you.
· In times of joy and in times of struggle, you have the support of a faith family.
· It is a commitment to practice your faith.
· Gives a chance for you and your family to be counted and heard in the parish.
· Registering includes you in the planning for the needs of the parish.
· Gives the parish a way to connect with you, especially when family has the dying person.
· Guidance to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Holy Matrimony, and Reconciliation
· Will facilitate the registration process at PSJ STEM Academy if you have children who plan to attend.
Register online Form:
or Scan the QR Code
Pregnancy Aid serves the well-being of families with children in & beyond the womb by providing material and emotional support.
At this time, we are looking for sub volunteers. We are low or out of the following items: baby wipes, size NB, 5-6 diapers and Pull-Ups, preemie clothing, toddler clothing up to 5T, toys, and monetary donations.
We are open M, W, & Sat. @902 Market St. in Tacoma, from 10-1:30pm.
Please call ahead (253-383-4100)
Would you like to honor a couple who has had a long Marriage? Nominate them for the Longest Married Couple Project!
Nominations are being made for the Longest Married Couple Project (LMC), sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. WWME accepts nominations from families and friends of those who have long marriages. Nominations can be made until Sept. 1, 2024. The National and State winners will be announced in October. For more information, and to nominate a couple, go to Click on the “Start Now” button and complete the form. That’s it!
Would you like to honor a couple who has had a long Marriage? Go to:
Saint Rita- Saturday Prayer Group
Beginning Sept. 7, the Saturday prayer group that meets at St. Ritas will begin meeting at 10 am each Saturday. All PSJ parishioners from all of our campuses are welcome to join this prayer group with time for fellowship afterwards.
Volunteers of our Parish Family at St. Ritas have been busy over the summer keeping the grounds looking beautiful. Thank you to our volunteers who serve the Church by helping with the groundwork at St. Ritas! If you have a green thumb and a desire to help with grounds upkeep at any of our campuses, please contact the Parish Office to find out where you can help.
Resumed coffee and donuts
We've resumed coffee and donuts at Visitation following the 9:30 Mass each Sunday. In order to enjoy this social hour each week, we need people to sign up to bring donuts. It's an easy way to serve your parish community. Just sign up for a date, bring 4-5 dozen donuts a few minutes before Mass, and stay to enjoy!
Support Needed for Church Flower Ministry
We have 2 volunteers who have offered to arrange flowers in the church. However, we have a very small budget for flowers. If you would like to donate to this ministry, please indicate on your donation that it's designated for "flowers." Thank you to our 2 volunteers who will help keep our church beautiful.
Choosing the right school is a difficult process. Both Catholic schools and public schools in the U.S. seek to educate students and prepare them for their academic and professional careers. However, there are several key differences between these two institutions.
Below, readers can find answers to common questions about the Catholic school system.
What is a Catholic school?
A Catholic school is a preschool, elementary school, or high school administered in association with the Roman Catholic Church. Catholic schools do not require their students to be Catholic—all faiths and creeds are welcome! In fact, 30% of enrolled students in Western Washington are not Catholic.
All students at Catholic schools are expected to attend Catholic religion classes and Catholic Mass. Catholic schools believe that teaching the Catholic faith produces more mindful students who believe in living in service to others.
Who is in charge of Catholic schools?
Like any public school, day-to-day operations are overseen by an administration of educators, typically led by a principal. However, Catholic elementary schools are usually tied to a local parish under the leadership of a pastor or priest. Catholic high schools may fall under the leadership of a diocese, archdiocese, or religious institute.
Do Catholic school students have to complete service?
Yes! Service is an integral part of the Catholic education system and the Catholic identity. Catholics believe that service projects instill important values, such as social responsibility, leadership, and compassion. Students of all age levels are asked to complete service projects. Some schools may sponsor service trips locally, nationally, or even abroad.
What are the academics like at a Catholic school?
Catholic schools teach all the important academic subjects that students need to succeed in life. Statistics show that Catholic school students excel in the academic arena. Data from the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) shows that Catholic schools typically outperform public schools in math, science, and reading.
Who pays for Catholic schools?
Like all private schools, Catholic schools charge tuition to enrolled families. However, Catholic schools tend to have the lowest tuition rates among private schools.
Catholic schools understand that not every family can afford to pay the full tuition rate. Many Catholic schools offer tuition assistance programs or work with nonprofits like the Fulcrum Foundation to make sure that every student can afford the education they want. Fulcrum’s Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) assists families in 72 local Catholic schools, from Bellingham to Vancouver.
For more information about Fulcrum’s tuition assistance programs, visit
Krista Brown, Virginia Wooten, Marian Bronson, Helene Cordeau, Muriel & Ron Bate, Cathy Bunger, Olivia Davis, Kathleen Genge, Anita Griggs, Wayne Haverkorn, Sally Ives, LeeAnn Koch, J. Mam, Nancy Jones, Jackie Lane, Gloria Montes, Terry Mathern, Doris McGuire, Wesley McMakin, Helen Murray, Peggy Neagle, Diane Orris, Shirley Pietz, Bob & Rayanne Richardson, Rita Shingledecker, Beverly Slanina, Eldon & Marge Weber, Woody Woodring.
Dick Vargo, Elaine Elliott, Lillian Albers, Odkod McMillin, Jennifer Brandt, Widman family, Emma Millikan, Shirley Keyes, Mick Flynn, Brad Bowles, Philip Stumpf, Norma Marchesini, John Meier, Joseph Rivera, Bob Woorley, Peter Pagano, Gene Hall, RosAnn Bridges, Petra Polequin, Brenda Gadson, Dean Lucchesi, Frank & Willie Faniel, Jerry Landridge, Jim & Karen Keithley, Maxine Campbell, David Lamb, Tyler Anglin, Vanessa Elmer, Lucy Romo, Benjamin & Linda Holm, Charles, Robin Mazza, Charlie Faniel, Bobby Gatbunton Myrl Greggs, Sharon Turner and her Family. All those suffering in war and strife.