St. John of the Woods Mission

7025 S Park Ave, Tacoma WA 98408

Pope St. John XXIII Parish News


Online Giving 

The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. So, if you are away on a Sunday, ENJOY; but, remember YOUR church. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via our Online Giving at link below:

Set Up Online Giving

Archbishop Etienne is inviting all Catholics to support National Disaster Relief in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene and the anticipated impact of Hurricane Milton. We strongly encourage donations to Catholic Charities USA, where funds can be immediately directed to assist with this urgent crisis. You can give directly at: http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org

Additionally, a second collection will be held at all Masses this weekend for National Disaster Relief. The proceeds will be sent as one final check to the Chancery by November 1, 2024.

Tổng Giám Mục Etienne kêu gọi tất cả người Công Giáo ủng hộ Quỹ Cứu Trợ Thiên Tai Quốc Gia nhằm ứng phó với sự tàn phá do bão Helene gây ra và thiệt hại dự kiến từ cơn bão Milton sắp tới. Chúng tôi khuyến khích quý vị quyên góp trực tiếp cho Catholic Charities USA, nơi mà các quỹ có thể được sử dụng ngay lập tức để giúp đỡ trong tình trạng khẩn cấp này. Quý vị có thể đóng góp tại: www.catholiccharitiesusa.org.

Ngoài ra, sẽ có một đợt quyên góp thứ hai trong tất cả các Thánh Lễ cuối tuần này dành cho Quỹ Cứu Trợ Thiên Tai Quốc Gia. Số tiền quyên góp sẽ được gửi một lần duy nhất đến Tòa Giám Mục trước ngày 1 tháng 11, 2024.


Baptism Class

Class will be offered for parents and godparents who have new born babies and children under 7 years old. PSJXXIII Every Second Saturday

1:00 –2:30pm class in English

By Deacon Theman 

At Pope St John XXIII Parish Center. Please call Sr. Theresa at 592-2541 or email <sotheresa2022@psj23.org>

Congratulations Babies to be baptized in

October, 12 & 13, 2024

Oct. 12th:

  • Oliver Medina Solorio
  • Osvaldo Gabriel Jlucas-Solorio

Oct. 13th:

  • Wallace Charles David Brown-Sachs



A Catholic parish is the single most important part of our Catholic Church. Our church is where we continue the mission of Jesus Christ. Here we publicly express our faith and give witness of our communion with God and with one another.

There are several reasons to register:

· A sense of belonging and identity in a parish community.

· Provides the parish community with a way to welcome you.

· In times of joy and in times of struggle, you have the support of a faith family.

· It is a commitment to practice your faith.

· Gives a chance for you and your family to be counted and heard in the parish.

· Registering includes you in the planning for the needs of the parish.

· Gives the parish a way to connect with you, especially when family has the dying person.

· Guidance to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Holy Matrimony, and Reconciliation

· Will facilitate the registration process at PSJ STEM Academy if you have children who plan to attend.

Register online Form: https://www.psj23.org/forms

or Scan the QR Code

Knight of the Columbus

PSJ XXIII-Fellowship Breakfast

Sunday, October 13

After the 9:45 Mass

Come Join Us!

Saint Rita Church of PSJXXIII Parish Family

Fall New

Dear Friends,


Recent Update: this Saturday, October 12, 10 a.m. Prayer Service will include Anointing of the Sick!  Spread the word.


As you know. Fran Laudidio passed away late last month. Her funeral is scheduled at St. Rita on Saturday, October 19th at 11 a.m.


Also, Joy Viafore passed away last week. Her Rosary will be Monday, October 21 at 6 p.m. and funeral will be Tuesday, October 22 at 11 a.m. Both at St. Rita.


Upcoming Events:

Sunday, October 13, Mass 9:30 a.m. and Breakfast Paint Project Fundraiser following, Visitation Church, $5 per person, $20 per family donation for quiche, bacon, croissants, donuts, fruit,orange juice

Saturday, October 19, Funeral Mass for Fran Laudidio, St. Rita Church, 11 a.m.

Monday, October 21, Rosary for Joy Viafore at 6 p.m. at St. Rita Church

Tuesday, October 22, Funeral Mass for Joy Viafore at 11 a.m. at St. Rita Church

Tuesday, October 22, Fr, Sacco's 100th Birthday! RIP Fr. Sacco


We will be meeting for Saturday prayer and coffee hour on the upcoming dates:

Saturday, October 12, 10 a.m., includes Anointing of the Sick

Saturday, October 19, 10 a.m. cancelled for Fran Laudadio's funeral

Saturday, October 26, 10 a.m.


Please consider donating for upkeep of St. Rita Church.. You can bring donations to Saturday prayer services or mail directly to Pope St. John Parish. Mark clearly for St. Rita of Cascia Church.


St. Rita, Pray for Us

Fr. Sacco, Pray for Us

Fr. Baffaro, Pray for Us


God Bless,

Francie Messina Jordan

Volunteers of our Parish Family at St. Ritashave been busy over the summer keeping the grounds looking beautiful. Thank you to our volunteers who serve the Church by helping with the groundwork at St. Ritas! If you have a green thumb and a desire to help with grounds upkeep at any of our campuses, please contact the Parish Office to find out where you can help.

More Information about Saint Rita Church

Visitation Church of PSJXXIII Parish Family

Resumed coffee and donuts

We've resumed coffee and donuts at Visitation following the 9:30 Mass each Sunday. In order to enjoy this social hour each week, we need people to sign up to bring donuts. It's an easy way to serve your parish community. Just sign up for a date, bring 4-5 dozen donuts a few minutes before Mass, and stay to enjoy!

Support Needed for Church Flower Ministry

We have 2 volunteers who have offered to arrange flowers in the church.  However, we have a very small budget for flowers.  If you would like to donate to this ministry, please indicate on your donation that it's designated for "flowers."  Thank you to our 2 volunteers who will help keep our church beautiful. 


September Recognition Ceremony

Each month we celebrate one trait that helps build character in our students and our school community. For the month of September, the theme is respect. Help us celebrate our recognized students for exhibiting respect at PSJ STEM Academy.

What is Respect?

Respect is caring enough to consider how words and actions impact others.

  • Having respect is when you feel good about someone because of how they act.
  • Showing respect is when you care how your actions impact others.

When you act with respect, you are choosing how you act in order to preserve something you value. Respect isn’t simply about being polite or showing admiration; it’s about acknowledging the things you value and acting in a way that honors their worth. Thinking of respect from this perspective helps human behavior make more sense:

When we respect someone or something, we treat it with appropriate care because we feel there is a good reason to do so. Respect means you care enough to think about how you impact others.

"What is respect" is a big concept to grasp. You might hear about having respect or showing respect. At the heart of respect is caring. In simple words, respect is caring how words and actions may impact others. Respect has two parts: 1) having respect for someone because of how their actions impact others and 2) showing respect by changing your actions to be sure you don't have a negative impact.

Outreach Community

September Report -  We Sent out:

526 lunches for 264 people,

91 bag of groceries,

125 bags of frozen/produce,

8015 pounds of food.

91 clothing bags worth $734.00

Food bank for 210 people belonging to 70 families;

20 gas cards ($500.00), 15 bus tickets ($75.00);

600 people received help through 21 volunteers who served at the site.

Next meeting: Oct. 23rd at 11:30 am at Visitation.

News related to Parish Family

In Loving Memory of

Prayer Lists

Pope Saint John XXIII

Krista Brown, Virginia Wooten, Marian Bronson, Helene Cordeau, Muriel & Ron Bate, Cathy Bunger, Olivia Davis, Kathleen Genge, Anita Griggs, Wayne Haverkorn, Sally Ives, LeeAnn Koch, J. Mam, Nancy Jones, Jackie Lane, Gloria Montes, Terry Mathern, Doris McGuire, Wesley McMakin, Helen Murray, Peggy Neagle, Diane Orris, Shirley Pietz, Bob & Rayanne Richardson, Rita Shingledecker, Beverly Slanina, Eldon & Marge Weber, Woody Woodring.

  • We pray for Ssgt. Wells, all servicemen, servicewomen and their families.                        
  • For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455.

South Tacoma Chapel

Dick Vargo, Elaine Elliott, Lillian Albers, Odkod McMillin, Jennifer Brandt, Widman family, Emma Millikan, Shirley Keyes, Mick Flynn, Brad Bowles, Philip Stumpf, Norma Marchesini, John Meier, Joseph Rivera, Bob Woorley, Peter Pagano, Gene Hall, RosAnn Bridges, Petra Polequin, Brenda Gadson, Dean Lucchesi, Frank & Willie Faniel, Jerry Landridge, Jim & Karen Keithley, Maxine Campbell, David Lamb, Tyler Anglin, Vanessa Elmer, Lucy Romo, Benjamin & Linda Holm, Charles, Robin Mazza, Charlie Faniel, Bobby Gatbunton Myrl Greggs, Sharon Turner and her Family. All those suffering in war and strife. 

  • For the anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455. 

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St. John of the Woods Mission News
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Pope Saint John XXIII Parish Family
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St. John of the Woods Mission News
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