St. John of the Woods Mission

7025 S Park Ave, Tacoma WA 98408

Pope St. John XXIII Parish News

New Offering Envelope Company

The company has sent new envelopes to families who use them to contribute to the church. If you would like to receive envelopes but did not get a package, please contact the parish office. We also extend our gratitude to everyone who contributes through online giving.


Nhà in đã gửi các bao thư mới đến các gia đình dùng để đóng góp cho giáo xứ.

Nếu quý vị muốn nhận bao thư nhưng chưa nhận được, xin vui lòng liên hệ văn

phòng giáo xứ. Xin cảm ơn các gia đình đóng góp trực tuyến.

Xin vui lòng liên hệ với văn phòng giáo xứ nếu cần hỗ trợ.


Online Giving 

The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. So, if you are away on a Sunday, ENJOY; but, remember YOUR church. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via our Online Giving at link below:

Pledge and Set Up Online Giving

Lunar New Year

Jubilee Year - Pilgrim of hope

Faith Formation

Congratulate those babies to be baptized in coming January and February 2025

• Ada Leonie Peralta-Guillen

• Angel Gonzalez

• Angela Gonzalez

• Aryah Quinn Stiers

• Aurya Elliott

• Jesus Gonzalez

• Paulette Chavez Palomares

• Teresa Moran_Hernandez

• Zahra Reigh Stiers

Baptism Preparation Class

Class will be offered for parents and godparents who have new born babies and children under 7 years old. PSJXXIII Every Second Saturday: Next class is January 11, or February 8

1:00 –2:30pm class in English

2:30 – 4:00pm in Vietnamese 

By Deacon Theman 

At Pope St John XXIII Parish Center. Please call Sr. Theresa at 592-2541 or email <sotheresa2022@psj23.org>

CCD Class  - Wednesdays

Time: 6:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.

OCIA Class at every Monday from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the PSJXXIII religious school

OCIA/OCIC is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church.
 Rite of Acceptance:
The Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens marks the end of the Pre-Catechumenate and the beginning of the second phase - the Catechumenate.
 Saturday, Feb 15th: Rite of Sending at 4:30 PM Mass (Sponsors need to be there)
Saturday, March 15th: Rite of Election at 11:00 AM (Sponsors need to be there) at St. Charles (7112 S 12th St., Tacoma)
 Sunday, Mar. 23rd: First Scrutiny at St. John of the Woods at 11:30am Mass. (9903 24th Ave. SE.)
Saturday, Mar. 29th: Second Scrutiny at PSJ23 4:30pm Mass
Saturday, April 5th: Third Scrutiny at PSJ23 at 4:30 pm Mass
Saturday, April 12th: RETREAT at SJOW from 9am to 12 noon. Sponsors need to be there.
Saturday, April 19th, Rehearsal from 9am to 10:30am. Sponsors need to be there.
Easter Vigil, Baptism at 8:00 PM Mass.

February 15: We celebrate the Rite of Sending at 4:30pm Mass. All candidates, catechumen, godparents and sponsors need to attend.

Adult Catechism Class

Every Wednesday at 6:30 to 7:30 at the PSJXXIII Parish Center

We use the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as our study, prayer, and meditation guide.

Pray For Us, O Holy Mother of God, That We May Be Made Worthy of the Promises of Christ.

Contact Monty at (253) 304-4473

Email: montypm@msn.com

– Class is No-cost

Come to the class and Join Us!

Mariage Preparation Class

Saturday April 26 and May 3 at Milner Center from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Contact:  Sr. Theresa at 592-2541 or email <sotheresa2022@psj23.org>

ThuyTien Vo: 253-307-3320 or email: "Vo Tien" <thuytienvo2000@yahoo.com>

Saint Rita Church of PSJXXIII Parish Family

Dear Friends,


Shannon Eddy Zache's Rosary and Funeral will be at St. Rita this Saturday, January 18. Rosary will be at 10:30 a.m., Funeral at 11 a.m. and a light lunch in the hall afterwards. Prayer service is cancelled that morning. Prayers go out to her entire family. RIP sweet Shannon. You can read her obituary: https://www.gaffneyfuneralhome.com/obituaries/shannon-eddy-zacher


Upcoming Prayer Services and Coffee Hour Fellowship:.

Saturday, January 18, *10 a.m. CANCELLED due to Rosary and Funeral for Shannon Eddy Zacher

Saturday, January 25, *10 a.m.

Saturday, February 1, *10 a.m.

Saturday, February 8, *10 am. Anointing of the Sick will also be administered

* The Rosary is prayed at 9:45 a.m. prior to the liturgical readings for the day and the prayers of supplication 


We are looking forward to celebrating our Church Consecration Day on or around April 27 and St. Rita's Feast Day on or around May 22. Both will be celebrated with a Mass and most likely some type of a social event. There will be more specific details in the next couple of months.


Donations for the upkeep of St. Rita Church are always welcome. They can be brought on Saturdays or mailed directly to Pope St. John XXIII, clearly marked for St.Rita.


St. Rita, Pray for us

Fr. Sacco, Pray for us

Fr. Baffaro, Pray for us


God Bless,

Francie Messina Jordan

We need parishioners to join our facility team.  Volunteering as part of the facility team is a beautiful way to serve God and your parish community. By helping care for the church, you contribute to maintaining a sacred space where we gather to worship, pray, and seek comfort. Your efforts, no matter how small, help create a welcoming and peaceful environment for others to encounter God. It's a humble and rewarding form of stewardship that allows you to give back to the church that nourishes your faith, while also strengthening bonds with fellow parishioners as you work together for a common purpose.

Contact: Thien Dinh at (253) 279-3361 

or thiendinh@psj23.org.

More Information about Saint Rita Church

Visitation Church of PSJXXIII Parish Family

Outreach Community


Parish Family- Facilities Team

We need parishioners to join our facility team. Volunteering as part of the facility team is a beautiful way to serve God and your parish community. By helping care for the church, you contribute to maintaining a sacred space where we gather to worship, pray, and seek comfort. Your efforts, no matter how small, help create a welcoming and peaceful environment for others to encounter God. It's a humble and rewarding form of stewardship that allows you to give back to the church that nourishes your faith, while also strengthening bonds with fellow parishioners as you work together for a common purpose.

Contact: Father Tuan, Fr. Hendry after Mass

or Thien Dinh at (253) 279-3361

or thiendinh@psj23.org.

Temporarily hired Custodial Care

Thank you Don McMakin! Again, We, parishioenrs of SJOW are so thankful for the time, talent, and efforts you have shared with us. Please enjoy your well-deserved retirement! We wish you all the blessings on your new adventures.

We also wish to thank you Gary Stubbs. Gary has assisted Don at St. John of the Woods for quite some time. Gary has graciously helped with the cleaning of the Hall and the Church, as well as security detail. Thank you, Gary! And to all of our amazing volunteers all throughout St. John of the Woods, Thank You! You are seen and appreciated. Our parish needs your love and support. We are thankful for each contribution from our parishioners.

We have temporarily hired custodial care for our main campus and St. John of the Woods Mission sites to maintain the cleanliness and appearances of our church locations.  Loan will be working at the PSJXXIII main campus and Lucia will be working at SJOW. If you see Loan or Lucia Esquivel, please make sure to welcome them to our Parish Family and thank them for their service to the church.

Archdiocese of Seattle

Prayer Lists

Pope Saint John XXIII

Krista Brown, Virginia Wooten, Marian Bronson, Helene Cordeau, Muriel & Ron Bate, Cathy Bunger, Olivia Davis, Kathleen Genge, Anita Griggs, Wayne Haverkorn, Sally Ives, LeeAnn Koch, J. Mam, Nancy Jones, Jackie Lane, Gloria Montes, Terry Mathern, Doris McGuire, Wesley McMakin, Helen Murray, Peggy Neagle, Diane Orris, Shirley Pietz, Bob & Rayanne Richardson, Rita Shingledecker, Beverly Slanina, Eldon Weber, Woody Woodring

  • Anointing of the sick / need a priest. Call Sr. Anna 253.592.2455                   
  • For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455.

Visitation and Saint Rita 

Tim Berntsen, Milo Ternes, Tony George, Rick Shurbet, Sabina & George Lockhart, Dick Vargo, Elaine Elliott, Lillian Albers, Odkod McMillin, Jennifer Brandt, Widman family, Emma Millikan, Shirley Keyes, Mick Flynn, Brad Bowles, Philip Stumpf, Norma Marchesini, John Meier, Joseph Rivera, Bob Woorley, Peter Pagano, Gene Hall, RosAnn Bridges, Petra Polequin, Brenda Gadson, Dean Lucchesi, Frank & Willie Faniel, Jerry Landridge, Jim & Karen Keithley, Maxine Campbell, David Lamb, Tyler Anglin, Vanessa Elmer, Lucy Romo, Benjamin & Linda Holm, Charles, Robin Mazza, Charlie Faniel, Bobby Gatbunton Myrl Greggs, Sharon Turner and her Family. All those suffering in war and strife. Aaron Turner and her Family. All those suffering in war and strife.  

  • For the anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455. 

Parish News

By PSJXXIII Parish February 20, 2025
By PSJXXIII Parish February 20, 2025
St. John of the Woods Mission News
By PSJXXIII Parish February 20, 2025
By PSJXXIII Parish February 20, 2025
Pope Saint John XXIII Parish Family
By PSJXXIII Parish February 13, 2025
By PSJXXIII Parish February 13, 2025
St. John of the Woods Mission News
By PSJXXIII Parish February 13, 2025
By PSJXXIII Parish February 13, 2025
Pope Saint John XXIII Parish Family
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