Dear Friends,
Shannon Eddy Zachar's Celebration of Life last Saturday was such a blessed event. Over 300 family and friends came to pay their respects and join Shannon's family in prayer. THANK YOU to Fr. Tuan and the fantastic St. Rita volunteers for making sure the Rosary, Funeral Mass and Reception went so smoothly. Thank you, too, to all of you in our community who brought all of the yummy cookies. Shannon's family was very thankful for all of your love and hard work.
This Saturday , January 25, we will NOT pray the Rosary aloud together at 9:45 a.m. since Marla Grassi cannot be with us to lead it. You are welcome to come at that time to pray the Rosary privately or join together in prayer informally. We will join in the Saturday readings and prayers of supplication at 10 a.m. per usual with our coffee hour fellowship afterwards in the hall.
Upcoming Prayer Services and Coffee Hour Fellowship:
Saturday, January 25, 10 a.m.
Saturday, February 1, *10 a.m.
Saturday, February 8, *10 am. Anointing of the Sick will also be administered
Saturday, February 15, *10 am.
* The Rosary is prayed at 9:45 a.m. prior to the liturgical readings for the day and the prayers of supplication
We are looking forward to celebrating our Church Consecration Day on or around April 27 and St. Rita's Feast Day on or around May 22. Both will be celebrated with a Mass and most likely some type of a social event. There will be more specific details in the next couple of months.
Donations for the upkeep of St. Rita Church are always welcome. They can be brought on Saturdays or mailed directly to Pope St. John XXIII, clearly marked for St.Rita. Also, there is the link to online donations that go directly to into St. Rita Church fund
St. Rita, Pray for us
Fr. Sacco, Pray for us
Fr. Baffaro, Pray for us
God Bless,
Francie Messina Jordan