St. John of the Woods Mission
- Sunday $3,166.00 _Envelops: 63
- Online $1,160.00 _ Envelopes: 16
- Loose $689.00
Thank you
October 8th, 2023
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. John of the Woods Mission
Thank you
Listening sessions are taking place at all of our campuses this weekend. If you are not able to attend a session, but would like to provide your feedback, you can do so by going to and providing your feedback online.
Partners in the Gospel
Listening Session, October 8th
Join in providing feedback to the Archdiocese on the suggested Family of PSJ23, St. John of the Woods Mission, South Tacoma Chapel, Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish and Sacred Heart Parish after the 8am Mass in the Parish Hall.
Senior Lunch
Our next Senior Lunch
is Wednesday, October 18th at 11:30.
Mark your calendars and join us for lunch and conversation.
All are welcome.
St. John of the Woods: Sunday, 9:45 - 11:10 A.M.
A Biblical Walk through the Mass,
begins Tuesday, September 19th at 1:00 to 3:00pm or 7:00 to 8:30pm, your choice.
The cost of the book and workbook is $26.95.
You may contact Cheryl Penry at 253-531-4355 for additional information.
Becoming A Catholic – OCIA (Formerly RCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
If you would like to be baptized into the Catholic faith, receive Communion or Church teachings, or come back to the Church, we are here to help you!
Classes on Monday
6:30-8:30 pm at PSJXXIII Parish Center
Summit Christian Preschool at St. John of the Woods is now taking registration for fall 2023.
Our faith based program is filled with fun learning opportunities to prepare your child for Kindergarten.
We have openings for children who are 3, 4, & 5.
Please call 253-536-1687 or email
Fall Harvest Bazaar:
We welcome the return of
the Annual Fall Harvest Bazaar,
Friday October 13th and Saturday October 14th.
There will be many vendors offering a variety of items to purchase.
And don’t forget to visit the Bakery. Our ladies have been busy making some wonderful treats.
Stewardship of Talent
Everything we have is a gift from God and we are called to share these gifts with others. The challenge is to understand our role and respond generously to this call from God.
Where does your talent work best?
Music and Singing— Nancy Burkholder 253-537-9283
Visiting the Homebound & Nursing Homes—Sr. Anna 253-592-2455
Helping with Mission wide mailings—Sr. Linh 253-905-7269
Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical—Daniel Soderlind 253-377-1952
Flowers and Decorations or Liturgical Celebrations—
Joan O’Shea 253-531-5159
Altar Servers (youth and adult) - Joe & Bernie Mesa 253-831-1235
Helping grieving families with funeral planning (Lazarus Commission)
Darlene Cartwright 253-848-1633
Greeting people as they come into Mass—
Terrie Graham, and Paul Giovaninni 253-537-4558
Volunteers Wanted!
All of our ministries are in need of helping hands. Please consider sharing your time and talent by joining one of them. Each of us has something to offer and the personal rewards received are many.
Leadership: Larry Volland 253-531-7795
Finance: Simon & Jaime Martin 253-772-7275
Lazarus: Darlene Cartwright 253-848-1633
Liturgy: Joan O’Shea 253-531-5159
Facilities: Daniel Soderlind 253-377-1952
Altar Servers: Joe & Bernie Mesa 253-831-1235
Funeral Receptions: Paula Lennox 253-507-5705
We are currently in need of additional volunteers to do evening security. If you are interested please call the office and leave your name and telephone number.
St. John of the Woods Mission is seeking a part-time Administrative Assistant.
Job duties include data entry, answering phones, light bookkeeping, clerical duties, a willingness to learn and being part of a team.
Qualified candidates will have experience with Microsoft Office and have a good customer service attitude. Hours are 18 per week.
If interested, please send your resume to
♦ Let the colors of fall, remind you to rediscover the beauty of your marriage.
♦Worldwide Marriage Encounter has all the tools you need for a great marriage. Join the millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive by signing up for an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Experience on: Oct 13-15, 2023 at Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades, Federal Way, WA or Oct 6-8 Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, Spokane, or Nov 15-17 at Holy Rosary Parish, Edmonds, WA.
♦ Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact: Jeff and Sandy Corneil 360-930-2321
Pregnancy Aid serves the well-being of families with children in & beyond the womb by providing material and emotional support. At this time, we are in need of Saturday volunteers and the following items: baby wipes, size 3-6 diapers and Pull-Ups, toddler clothing up to 5T, baby toiletries for layettes, and monetary donations. We are open M, W, & Sat. @902 Market St. in Tacoma, from 10-1:30pm. Please call ahead (253-383-4100)
St. John of the Woods Mission Office
9903 24th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98445
Phone: (253) 537-8551 | Website: | Email: