Meeting Minutes
Monday, Dec. 2 at 7 pm in Lower Hall
Members: Fr. Tuan, Fr. Hendry, Lacey Kelly, Nancy Keller-Scholz, Rick Keller-Scholz, Owen O’Neill, Madeline Butterfield, Alexis Tibbits, Mary Ann Harshman, Lis Albers, John Albers, Karen Bredberg, Jeanette Hendricks, Jenn Zeeb, Jeannine Wargo
Opening Prayer led by Fr. Tuan (Prayer for Pope St. John XXIII Parish)
As of Sept. 30, we have a net revenue of $31,047; however, $27,463 is restricted donations to pay for the lower hall ramp and paint projects.
Lower Hall Ramp: We are waiting for the materials to come in for the lower hall ramp. Once the contractor has received the materials, we will schedule a time to install the ramp. Work needs to be done (the area needs to be cleared out) to prep for installation.
Church Boiler: The pilot light was not operating and has been replaced.
We need to add to our list of altar servers.
Immaculate Conception Mass at 9 am on Dec. 9, Christmas Eve Mass at 5 pm, Christmas Morning Mass at 9:30 am and Solemnity of Mary Mass at 9:30 am.
Christmas: poinsettias are ordered for Christmas. Our Flower Team will arrange them. Rick and John will pick up 2 trees on Dec. 20. We will put them up in the church after the 9 am Mass on Dec. 21. The school kids will decorate the church on Dec. 18. Ms. Tibbits will lead this effort.
St. Nicholas Breakfast Fundraiser: Happening on Dec. 15 in the Lower Hall. Has been publicized.
Other Business
Jeanette Hendricks serves on the PSJ Liturgy Commission and is the representative from Visitation.
Jenn Zeeb has agreed to serve on the PSJ Pastoral Council and Visitation Leadership Committee.
John Albers has agreed to serve on the PSJ Finance Council.
Parish Office – we got a new copier in the office. It’ll save a little bit of money each month.
Name tags – discussion about offering name tags at Mass. In an effort to be more welcoming. Nancy to follow up on this effort.
Fr. Hendry led closing prayer.
Next meeting: March 3, 2025 in Lower Hall