St. John of the Woods Mission

7025 S Park Ave, Tacoma WA 98408

Bulletin - 05. 25. 2022

Memorial Day Mass

Calvary Cemetery in Tacoma is reinstating their Memorial Day Mass this year. On Monday May 30th at 11:00 am at the main altar.

THE CEMETERY ADDRESS: 5212 70TH St. West Tacoma WA 98467

Please join us!


MONDAY MAY 30, 202

Things to know about Pope St. John XXIII

His progressive encyclical, Mater et Magistra, was issued in 1961 to commemorate the anniversary of Leo XIII's Rerum novarum. Pacem in terris, advocating human freedom and dignity as the basis for world order and peace, came out in 1963. He elevated the Pontifical Commission for Cinema, Radio, and Television to curial status, approved a new code of rubrics for the Breviary and Missal, made notable advances in ecumenical relations by creating a new Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity and by appointing the first representative to the Assembly of the World Council of Churches held in New Delhi (1961). In 1960 he consecrated fourteen bishops for Asia, Africa, and Oceania. The International Balzan Foundation awarded him its Peace Prize in 1962.

Since his death on June 3, 1963, much has been written and spoken about the warmth and holiness of the beloved Pope John. Perhaps the testimony of the world was best expressed by a newspaper drawing of the earth shrouded in mourning with the simple caption, "A Death in the Family."

On Sunday, 27 April 2014, Pope John XXIII was declared saint on Divine Mercy Sunday 

Source: vatican.va

Annual Catholic Appeal 2022

TOGETHER WE CAN be Christ to Others

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am grateful for the many wonderful families and individuals who make up our parish communities across all of Western Washington. During these challenging times of uncertainty, one thing is certain: As people of faith we can bring the light
of Christ to others by renewing our relationship with Jesus and embracing the mission of his Church. Together, we can be Christ to others!
Every year, I ask you to join me in making a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal to support our dedicated priests, deacons, religious women and lay ministers who nourish us through the ministry of Christ by serving all God’s people in our region — in person and virtually.
Please prayerfully consider making a sacrificial gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal to continue our pastoral work for the people and parishes of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Your gift to the ACA will help us continue to serve our brothers and sisters across Western Washington.

Please know that I continue to pray for you. May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and generosity.
In the Heart of Christ,
Most Rev. Paul D. Etienne, DD, STL
Archbishop of Seattle

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Our parish goal this year is $25,328. All gifts received over our goal will be returned to the parish for our parish project which is new carpeting for the Educational Resource Center.  Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in helping our parish be a light to others.

There are many ways to make a gift or pledge:

  • Give online at archseattle.org/GiveACA
  • Make your gift by phone at 800-809-4921
  • Place your ACA envelope into the collection basket at your parish or in the mail
  • Scan the QR code to make your gift

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Parish's News

Coffee Hour after Sunday Mass

We have been given the go-ahead for re-starting coffee hours following the Sunday morning Masses.

Encouraging social distancing, and masks worn at the serving tables; we will again be able to safely fellowship together in a relaxed atmosphere.

Many hands are needed to offer coffee hour on an on-going basis.  If you are interested in any part of making this hospitality event happen, please call 253-922-6569 for more information. Thank you.

We look forward seeing many of you in the parish hall after Sunday Mass.

Confirmation Reception
St John of the Woods community will honor our newly confirmed youth on Pentecost June 5th with a reception for them after the 9:30 am Mass in the Parish Hall. This is the Sunday after they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, All are invited

Altar Server Scheduler needed

We would like to begin our Altar Server program and need someone to schedule the servers for the weekend Masses. If you would like to fulfill this role or seek more information about the duties, please call the office and leave your name and telephone number. Thank you

Altar Server Trainer needed

We would like to begin our Altar Server program and need someone to train and schedule the servers for the weekend Masses. If you would like to fulfill this role or seek more information about the duties, please call the office and leave your name and telephone number. We will help you learn how to train our volunteers.

Eucharistic Ministers needed
Saturday night 6pm Mass and the Sun-day 11:30am Mass. We will train you and make sure you are comfortable prior to serving. No experience needed. To volunteer please contact Daniel Soderlind at 253-377-1952 . Thanks you

Regional News


Our Religious Education Classes 2021 - 2022 are getting close to the end of the school year. What a great year! About 23 adults and teenagers from our parishes received the Sacrament of Initiation and were brought into Full Communion with the church at Easter Vigil Mass April 16. We had 95 students from St. Ann’s, SJOW’s and Visitation who received First Communion May 15, 21 and 28. There are 75 candidates in the Regional Parishes who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on June 02, 2022. We’ve also had 30 babies baptized since July.

  • We wish to thank LB Gilmer, the RCIA director, and the RCIA Core Team: Rebecca Braun, Monty & Gloria Montes, Joleane Reece, Mary Jane Patnode, Lasini Salone, Brian Phuc Pham, Sr. Trinh Nguyen, Hoa Nguyen, Ngoc Khong, Quang Khong, Myling Nguyen, Cuong Pham, Le Ba and Hoan Pham.
  • We thank the Adult Catechist Program: Monty Montes.
  • We thank the marriage preparation program team: Monty and Gloria Montes, Deacon Mike Teskey, Tien Vo, Quang Khong, Dr. Thanh Pham, Kim Trang Nguyen, and Brian Pham.
  • We thank the Baptism Team: Deacon Theman Pham, Deacon Mike Teskey, Rebecca Brawn and Sr. Theresa Nguyen.
  • We thank the Religious Education Teachers and helpers at St. Ann’s: Gloria Montes, Joleane Reece, Felicidad F. Mousel, Theresa Naufahu, Theodore Mills, Hien Tran and Don McMakin.
  • We thank the Religious Education Teachers and helpers at St. John of the Woods: Twyla Halmrast, David Kopchynski, Sabrina Barrientos, Raymonde Wade, Jasmyn Martinez, Laricia Garcia, and Dee Dawson.
  • Thanks to Visitation Religious Education helpers were Carla and Danielle O'Hearne, and Theresa (Tess) Rivera
  • We thank the Confirmation Teachers: Jim Hardesty, Cindy Almogela, Rebecca Brawn, Brian Pham, Bao Huong Doan, Truc Nguyen and Sr. Kim Tran.
  • We thank those who helped with annulments: Janet Byard, Richard McMakin, Tien Vo and Deacon Mike Teskey.

Thank you very much for giving your time and talents. You are good stewards and good examples in our parishes. We hope you all return next year. We thank you Fr. Tuan Nguyen, pastor, Fr. Pat McDermott, and Fr. Hendry for your support and all of your hard work helping our programs to be successful. God bless our New Parish, Pope St. John XXIII


Thursday, June 2 at 7pm at St. Ann Parish

Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Frank Schuster

Rehearsal on Sunday May 29 at 6pm, sponsors need to be there.


Tuesday, June 30, 2022
Rosary 6:00 PM
Bilingual Mass at 7:00 PM

The Patriotic Rosary is prayed for every state in our country and for all of our legislative offices

When: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
June 16th, 17th and 18th.

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Sunday, June 19, Mass at 9:45am, and followed by the solemn procession of the Blessed Sacrament

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The New Parish plans to build a new school on St Ann ground soon. We are currently in the planning phase and need help on the following subjects: Survey, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Geotechnical designs. If you have any such experience and are willing to help, please contact Louie Tran as 253-230-4265 or louietran61@gmail.com.


We have organic, pure pressed and canned apple juice, apple sauce (nothing added), and preserved pears and pear butter for sale in our office. There are also greengage plum jelly and a limited selection of other organic jellies.

Price is $4 per jar. All benefits are for the parishes. If you want some, please stop by the offices of SA or SJOW from 9am to 3pm or call the parish offices or Sr. Theresa 253-592-2541. Thank You

Visitation STEM Academy

Open Enrollment Officially for 2022 - 2023

Visit our website: https://visitationstemacademy.org/

We are currently accepting enrollment for in-person learning for all grades Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade!

Our application process is easy! Just go to our “Admissions” tab from our webpage where you can request information and an online application. Please don’t let income prevent you from applying. We are committed to serving our community and will work with your family to make Catholic Education affordable.

We invite you to visit VCSA – tour our school, learn more about our curriculum, and meet our faculty and staff who are excited to work with your family to make a positive impact in the lives of your children. We at Visitation appreciate the importance of choosing the right school for your family and are here to answer any questions you may have.

Prayer List 

Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III,  Carlos & Claudia Caballero,  Aurora Maddela, Gary Wilke,   Frances & Margaret Chisholm,  Marge Berntsen, Roxane Fulp, Donna & Dick Severson, Joan Ellis, Lucille & Joe Romo, Dave Casey, Larry & JoAnn Reyes, Judith Levesque, Linda Johnson, Kari Tinsely, Betty Polansky, Susan Kitaji,  Natalie Vieria,  Robert Delgado, Courtney Kryder, Jennifer Akins, Jonathan Keen,  Rod Stormshak, James Moe,  Brandon, Wendy Hanchett,  Connie Bender, Evymae Sablan, Isaako Malo, Damian Roldon,  Irene Simon, John Murphy,  Isaiah Williams, Lois Zahnan, Larry Luedke, Anne Gannon,  Larry Anderson, Keith Browne,  Anna Kaperick, Robert Lumas,  Larry Rubida, Dorothy Harris,  Liam Chisholm, Carol Kalapus, Evelyn Allen, Danny Sneed, Daniel & Laricia Garcia, Angie Anderson. Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman,

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