Bulletin - 05. 15. 2022
Things to know about Pope St. John XXIII
Transition Express News
Tacoma New Parish has a NAME
It has been a journey transitioning the five Tacoma parishes into one new parish including St. John of the Woods as a mission of the new parish. There have been a few hurdles, some angst, loads of teamwork, and now realization that the time is almost here. And one major action item has been accomplished, the new parish has a name – Pope St. John XXIII Parish.
Naming of the new parish was a major step, one that Archbishop Etienne gave up to prayer. He wanted the name to reflect one of the core visions of our parish. Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council, which transformed the Catholic Church. And now we are undergoing another type of transformation by uniting our faith, values and dedication into the new parish and school.
The Archbishop appreciated the effort of parish leaders and parishioners who provided input in the naming effort. The final process took place at last Wednesday’s Pastoral/Finance Council meeting where members from all five parishes listened to Fr. Tuan’s assessment of where the process was and then voted on the final two names presented by the Archbishop.
Each of the five parishes have gone through many emotions that come with change to our parish life. The hope is that the new name will bring unity to our parish family.
Pope St. John XXIII pray for us!
Annual Catholic Appeal 2022
TOGETHER WE CAN be Christ to others
Hopefully you had a chance to read Archbishop Etienne’s letter and the importance and impact of your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. This weekend our parishioners will witness at Mass to the impact of the Annual Catholic Appeal to minister to those in need, build the Catholic faith within us and directly support our parish mission services. Please consider Archbishop’s message as you discern your gift. We hope you take time to read the campaign materials and prayerfully consider how you and your family will participate. Use the envelope in the pew or the QR code to give today. Keep an eye on the tracking thermometer at the church’s entrance and on our website to see our progress!
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Our parish goal this year is $25,328. All gifts received over our goal will be returned to the parish for our parish project which is new carpeting for the Educational Resource Center. Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in helping our parish be a light to others.
There are many ways to make a gift or pledge:
- Give online at archseattle.org/GiveACA
- Make your gift by phone at 800-809-4921
- Place your ACA envelope into the collection basket at your parish or in the mail
- Scan the QR code to make your gift
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Financial Report
- May 8, 2022 - 58 envelopes total 4,352.27
Thank you all for your continued support to St. John of the Woods.
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Support our parish! Online Giving is very convenient, fast, and safe. You might want to take a tour over to see how it will benefit you and our church, especially during the time you are away from your Church. CLICK HERE for more information and instruction
First Communion Mass
Welcome Fr. Hendry Jesu Raian
Memorial Day Mass
Calvary Cemetery in Tacoma is reinstating their Memorial Day Mass this year. On Monday May 30th at 11:00 am at the main altar.
THE CEMETERY ADDRESS: 5212 70TH St. West Tacoma WA 98467
Please join us!
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Volunteers Needed
For Sale
We have organic, pure pressed and canned apple juice, apple sauce (nothing added), and preserved pears and pear butter for sale in our office. There are also greengage plum jelly and a limited selection of other organic jellies.
Price is $4 per jar. All benefits are for the parishes. If you want some, please stop by the offices of SA or SJOW from 9am to 3pm or call the parish offices or Sr. Theresa 253-592-2541. Thank You
Prayer List
Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Gary Wilke, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Aurora Maddela, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Marge Berntsen, Donna & Dick Severson, Roxane Fulp, Bob Smith, Joan Ellis, Dave Casey, Judith Levesque, Linda Johnson, Kari Tinsely, Rita Pangelinan, Susan Kitaji, Natalie Vieria, Robert Delgado, Courtney Kryder, Bill Miller, Jennifer Akins, Jonathan Keen, Rod Stormshak, James Moe, Brandon, Gene Otis, Wendy Hanchett, Connie Bender, Evymae Sablan, Isaako Malo, Damian Roldon, Irene Simon, Lucy Romo, John Murphy, Isaiah Williams, Lois Zahnan, Larry Luedke, Anne Gannon, Larry Anderson, Keith Browne, Anna Kaperick, Robert Lumas, Larry Rubida, Dorothy Harris, Liam Chisholm, Carol Kalapus, Evelyn Allen, Danny Sneed, Angie Anderson, Betty Polansky, all victims of COVID19, Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman,