After six years as Chairman and Secretary of the St. John of the Woods Mission Leadership Commission, Larry and Barbara Volland will be leaving those volunteer positions at the end of the current meeting cycle at the end of June.
The Archdiocese strongly recommends that parish or mission leadership positions be replaced every three years, so that new opportunities for leadership can be offered to parishioners.
These two volunteer positions need to be filled as soon as possible, so that a smooth transition to new mission leadership can be ready for the next meeting cycle in September.
Interested candidates are urged to contact Larry Volland at: 253-973-5869 or Fr. Tuan at: 253-882-9943 for more information.
Interested candidates are encouraged to attend one or more of our last two quarterly SJOW Leadership Commission meetings scheduled for: Wednesday, March 22 and June 28, both at 7:00pm in the SJOW Parish Hall.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration, since good volunteer leadership is key to a healthy and vibrate parish.