Baptism Preparation Class
Class will be offered for parents and godparents who have new born babies and children under 7 years old.
October 14th or November 11th
1:00 –2:30pm class in English
2:30 – 4:00pm in Vietnamese
At Pope St John XXIII Parish Center
Regional Parishes of Tacoma - Adult Catechism Classes
Every Wednesday at 6:30pm- 7:25 at PSJXXIII parish center.
This year you can renew your gift of faith and humbly ask the Holy Spirit to guide you closer to Christ, to encounter Him in the Sacraments, especially in the Eucharist. By coming to class we hope you can explore the richness of our Catholic faith and learn to apply it to your lives every day. God bless you all.
Join Us any Week!
Contact Monty at (253) 304-4473 – Class is No-cost
It’s one thing to know about God, another to know Him!
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) class (RCIA)
If you would like to be baptized into the Catholic faith, receive Communion or Church teachings, or come back to the Church,
we are here to help you!
Classes on Monday
6:30-8:30 pm at PSJXXIII Parish Center
We invite you to come take a deeper look into the Catholic Faith
Please email our Director, LB Gilmer at
or Sister Theresa at (253) 592-2541
Pope St. John XXIII Parish
Muriel & Ron Bate, Krista Brown, Olivia Davis, Kathleen Genge, Anita Griggs, Wayne Haverkorn, Sally Ives, J. Mam, Nancy Jones, Jackie Lane, Terry Mathern, Doris McGuire, Wesley McMakin, Helen Murray, Peggy Neagle, Diane Orris, Shirley Pietz, Bob & Rayanne Richardson, Rita Shingledecker, Beverly Slanina, Eldon & Marge Weber, Woody Woodring, Virginia Wooten.
We pray for Ssgt. Wells, all servicemen, servicewomen and their families.
South Tacoma Chapel
We pray for Benny Gatbunton, Widman family, Deborah Raynes, Ann Kormos, Emma Millikan, Shirley Keyes, Mick Flynn, Brad Bowles, Philip Stumpf, Norma Marchesini, Eduardo Elizaga, John Meier, Joseph Rivera, Bob Woorley, Peter Pagano, Gene Hall, RosAnn Bridges, Petra Polequin, Brenda Gadson, Fr. Dave Gese, Dean Lucchesi, Frank & Willie Faniel, Jerry Landridge, Jim & Karen Keithley, Maxine Campbell, David Lamb, Tyler Anglin, Vanessa Elmer, Lucy Romo, Benjamin & Linda Holm, Charles, Robin Mazza, Charlie Faniel, Willand Wyman, Sharon Turner and her Family. All those suffering in war and strife.
For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455.