To all beloved Fathers
Words are not enough to say thank you
May the blessings of love of our Heavenly Father be yours
in abundance this Father's Day and always
Heavenly Father, you entrusted your Son Jesus, the child of Mary, to the care of Joseph, an earthly father. Bless all fathers as they care for their families. Give them strength and wisdom, tenderness and patience; support them in the work they have to do, protecting those who look to them, as we look to you for love and salvation, through Jesus Christ our rock and defender. Amen.
After July 1, the mass schedule at St. John of the Woods will be:
St. Ann Mass schedule will remain the same
The Visitation schedule will be Saturdays at 9 am and Sundays at 9:30 am (as a satellite site for the new parish)
Thank you for your response to the Annual Catholic Appeal this year. We have received gifts and pledges totaling $24,170 from 82 families of our parish. We are looking forward to surpassing our goal with 100% of household participation to fully fund our parish project. Please pray and make a pledge today. Together we can be Christ to others.
Our parish goal this year is $25,328. All gifts received over our goal will be returned to the parish for our parish project which is new carpeting for the Educational Resource Center.
Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in helping our parish be a light to others.
There are many ways to make a gift or pledge:
Volunteers Needed
This is an invitation to anyone interested in the decorating of the church. There are many varied possibilities to consider and with that varying time commitments. Weekly flower arrangements, special liturgical and devotional events and Holidays especially Christmas and Easter. If you like to work alone there is a time for that, if you like to work in small groups there is a way for that as well.
I am stepping down from this ministry, the first weekend in October will be my last weekend arranging flowers. If interested or have questions please call Joan O’Shea at 253-531-5159
Congratulations on Wedding Anniversary
Altar Server Sign Up
We invite adults and youth who like to become Alter Server to sign up. We have a tentative plan for an adult to serve at the Saturday evening Mass and for youth to serve the Sunday Masses. Please sign up and indicate the Mass time that would be convenient for you.
There will be a training next Sunday, June 26 after the 9:30am and 11:30am Mass
Sign up form can be found at the vestibule of the church, please fill out the Sign-up form and place it in the Server’s Sign-up box, or you can fill out the online form at HERE
Contact person: Bernie Mesa 253-831-1235 or
New Program for Ground Maintenance
Calling on all parishioners to sign up for our new grounds maintenance sharing program. The idea is that each parishioner or family will take care of one small area of the church grounds (such as weeding and trimming).
Sign up sheets are in the back of the church.
Contact Daniel Soderlind at 253-377-1952 if you have any questions
Eucharistic Ministers needed
Saturday night 6pm Mass and the Sun-day 11:30am Mass. We will train you and make sure you are comfortable prior to serving. No experience needed. To volunteer please contact Daniel Soderlind at 253-377-1952 . Thank you
No 9:30am Mass on June 22
All the priests will be attending the Priest’s Day from June 19 to the 22. Therefore, there will be no 9:30am Mass on Wednesday June 22. If you want to attend the daily Mass this day, please join with St. Ann at 8:00am. Thank you
With deep sympathy
In loving memory of our parishioners who passed away recently: Anne Gannon, Frances Chisholm, and Larry Rubida, we keep family and loved ones of Gannon, Chisholm, and Rubida in our thoughts and prayers. May their souls, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
When: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
June 16th, 17th and 18th.
St. Ann will celebrate the solemnity of Corpus Christi at 9:45am Mass on Sunday June 19, followed by the solemn procession of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. Please come and join with us for this feast day.
All are invited.
The New Parish plans to build a new school on St Ann ground soon. We are currently in the planning phase and need help on the following subjects: Survey, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Geotechnical designs. If you have any such experience and are willing to help, please contact Louie Tran as 253-230-4265 or
We have organic, pure pressed and canned apple juice, apple sauce (nothing added), and preserved pears and pear butter for sale in our office. There are also greengage plum jelly and a limited selection of other organic jellies.
Price is $4 per jar. All benefits are for the parishes. If you want some, please stop by the offices of SA or SJOW from 9am to 3pm or call the parish offices or Sr. Theresa 253-592-2541. Thank You
Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Aurora Maddela, Gary Wilke, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Marge Berntsen, Roxane Fulp, Donna & Dick Severson, Joan Ellis, Lucille & Joe Romo, Dave Casey, Larry & JoAnn Reyes, Judith Levesque, Linda Johnson, Kari Tinsely, Betty Polansky, Susan Kitaji, Natalie Vieria, Robert Delgado, Courtney Kryder, Jennifer Akins, Jonathan Keen, Rod Stormshak, James Moe, Brandon, Wendy Hanchett, Connie Bender, Evymae Sablan, Isaako Malo, Damian Roldon, Irene Simon, John Murphy, Isaiah Williams, Lois Zahnan, Larry Luedke, Anne Gannon, Larry Anderson, Keith Browne, Anna Kaperick, Robert Lumas, Larry Rubida, Dorothy Harris, Liam Chisholm, Carol Kalapus, Evelyn Allen, Danny Sneed, Daniel & Laricia Garcia, Angie Anderson. Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman,
For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455
Parish office will be closed Monday June 20th for Juneteenth
(New Legal Holiday)