Please read today’s Gospel Luke 6:27-38
Jesus challenges us to follow his way of acting and treating others. In our country, too often acrimony and angry words divide people and harden hearts. Jesus gives us another way of acting and treating others.
Dialogue: Jesus calls us to respond with generous kindness, patience, and understanding toward others. What do you think were some of the reactions of those who first heard these words of Jesus? Lent begins next week. How might these words of Jesus guide us as we journey through the 40 days with prayer, fasting (sacrifices), and alms giving (generosity).
Activity: Talk about some lenten practices you might do as a family: daily rosary, reading the Sunday Scripture Saturday before Mass and talking about their meaning, no dessert one day, no sugar or sweet drinks one day, giving up something as a family and putting the money aside for the Rice Bowl or collection for the poor. Pick a day or time to share a sign of peace with each family member each week in Lent.