An Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021 - 2022 has been mailed to your house. This report gives parts of the picture of what we have achieved in the past year and how we are striving for the years to come.
This report is also a Big Thank to all parishioners of St. John of the Woods Mission Church. Thanks for your stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure. Thanks for everything you have done to strengthen our faith community here at St. John of the Woods.
Click the Picture below for electronic version of Annual Report
It's coming this weekend
When: Friday & Saturday Oct 7 & 8, 10am - 5pm
Where: Hall of St. John of the Woods
Thank you for your continued support
The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. So, if you are away on a Sunday, ENJOY; but, remember YOUR church. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via our Online Giving link at
Where: St. John of the Woods Church
When: Saturday, Oct 15, 2022 at 12:00 noon
As we celebrate the 105th Anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima, we invite all to join us in this Rosary Rally at St. John of the Woods church for the special intention of World Peace.
Contact: Mary Patnode at 253-226-8047 or Mary Cabrera at 253-208-2462 if any questions
What: In-person Bible Study class (8 session)
When: Tuesday, October 25 at 1:00 pm
Where: Religious Education Office (St. John of the Woods)
Theme: Follow Me: meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John
Materials for the class will include a book and student workbook. There will be a 30-minute video presentation for each class, and discussion of the workbook questions. Please come join us if you can for a revitalizing study and gathering. Cost is $30 per student study set. Register by October 12th to assure time for materials to arrive. Checks to St. John of the Woods.
You are invited to stop by the Bible Study table as you leave Masses on October 9th to check out this great new offering or to register. Hope to see you then!
Behind the rectory & connected to the large cross is an area known as the Meditation / Memory Garden. This garden belongs to you St. JOHN OF THE WOODS parishioners. It’s an area where tasteful pieces of memorabilia from your family be placed on the grounds. This is for all family members living and/or deceased. This is for all the families that have supported & grown with SJOW over the years. Be it a plaque, a stone or something else, feel free to put something with the names of family members if you wish. We ask that no balloons, stuffed animals be used & if your marker is a living item that you maintain it. Our water system only services the plants in the sacred cross area.
This year ’ s Fall Harvest Festival allocated funds to keep the garden professionally maintained. Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Karen Knobbe & the Black Apron Ladies who work the festival and your generous support to the festival.
First Communion and Confirmation classes are still open for registration until Oct 19
Children’s Mass at St. John of the Woods: Oct 30 at 11:30am
The children will collect canned food for the food bank. We plan to get 70 food baskets for the poor and the needy in Thanksgiving. Please help your children to bring canned food to Children’s Mass
Summit Christian Preschool at St. John's is up and running! We have 20 students enrolled at this time, and room for a few more. Jeff Samples has stripped and painted the steps to the RE Center with non-skid paint. The entrance is safe and welcoming now.
The children will visit Double R Farms in Puyallup on October 21 and enjoy a Costume Party at preschool on October 31. Mrs. Hoberg (Holly) and myself are looking forward to running a children's game area during the church Harvest Bazaar.
Looking ahead to the holidays, we will invite preschool families and parishioners to a Christmas party and live nativity on December 16 at 7:00 pm in the hall.
From Laurel Samples
Feast of Pope St. John XXIII
Archbishop Etienne will be joining us to celebrate our New Parish’s Patron Pope St. John XXIII on Sunday Oct 9th, 2022.
All are invited to come and share good fellowship
Baptism Class for Parents & Godparents
Next class will be Oct. 8 at Pope St. John XXIII Parish
1:00pm - 2:30pm in English
2:30pm - 4:00pm in Viet
More information, contact: Sr. Theresa Nguyen at
Ministry to the Poor
The Winter season is fast approaching. We are in need of gently used or new coats as well as scarves, gloves, socks and blankets. Volunteers are always welcome as the numbers coming to our doors for help continue to grow.
Please contact Linda Lamb at 253-474-0835 or
Sandwich Ministry & Food Bank
M thru Fri. 9:30—11:30am
Gift Card/Voucher Assistance:
By appointment only:
T & Thurs 9:30—11:30am
No Utility or Rental assistance available
What gifts did God gifts just to you?
2 Kgs 5:14-17 / 2 Tm 2:8-13 / Lk 17:11-19
10 Monday - Weekday
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 - 5:1 / Lk 11:29-32
11 Tuesday - Weekday
[ St. John XXIII, Pope]
Gal 5:1-6 / Lk 11:37-41
12 Wednesday - Weekday
Gal 5:18-25 / Lk 11:42-46
13 Thursday - Weekday
Eph 1:1-10 / Lk 11:47-54
14 Friday - Weekday
[Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr]
Eph 1:11-14 / Lk 12:1-7
15 Saturday - Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church
Eph 1:15-23 / Lk 12:8-12
Angie Anderson, Anna Kaperick, Aurora Maddela, Betty Polansky, Brandon, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Carol Kalapus, Connie Bender, Courtney Kryder, Damian Roldon, Daniel & Laricia Garcia, Danny Sneed, Dave Casey, Donna & Dick Severson, Dorothy Harris, Evelyn Allen, Evymae Sablan, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Gary Wilke, Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Helga Smith, Heidi Gibson, Irene Simon, Isaako Malo, Isaiah Williams, Jack Nyegaard, James Moe, Jan Talley, Jennifer Akins, Joan Ellis, John Murphy, Jonathan Keen, Judith Levesque, Kari Tinsely, Keith Browne, Larry & JoAnn Reyes, Larry Anderson, Larry Luedke, Liam Chisholm, Linda Johnson, Lois Zahnan, Marge Berntsen, Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman, Natalie Vieria, Robert Delgado, Robert Lumas, Rod Stormshak, Roxane Fulp, Susan Kitaji, Treaver Yates, Wendy Hanchett,
For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455