Bulletin - 05. 08. 2022
Happy Mother's Day
Building Committee Meeting Recap
Eight members of the committee met on April 25, 2022, along with Kevin Broderick and his assistant. The meeting highlights are:
- Kevin Broderick’s firm, Broderick Architects, was selected as the architect for this project. Awaiting a contract with the Archdiocese to finalize the agreement.
- Reviewed the comprehensive statement of needs and wishes for the new School and Faith Formation center prepared by Louie Tran, chair of Building Committee.
- Kevin asked for all pertinent documents from the committee, and he will return with a beginning plan for the School/Faith Formation building.
- Questions were raised regarding cost of the project, when will it be completed, how will it be funded. These questions will be addressed once the committee receives the draft of the building plan.
Selecting the architect was a significant step forward as the committee diligently works on this building project.
Help Needed
The New Parish plans to build a new school on St Ann ground soon. We are currently in the planning phase and need help on the following subjects: Survey, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural and Geotechnical designs. If you have any such experience and are willing to help, please contact Louie Tran (253 -230-4265 or louietran61@gmail.com) as possible.
Annual Catholic Appeal 2022
“Mission is not what we have. It is who we are. We are the body of Christ”
- Archbishop Paul D. Etienne -
As Catholics, we are called to put our faith into action by living the Gospel and accompanying each other as we encounter Jesus Christ. Your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal provides each of us the opportunity to come together as a Catholic community to continue helping our sisters and brothers throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. TOGETHER WE CAN grow in our faith and love of God.
Your gift directly supports archdiocesan ministries, faith programs and pastoral services including:
- Evangelization
- Campus Ministries
- Catholic Schools
- Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Camps
- Criminal Justice Ministry
- Faith Formation
- Hospital Ministry
- Marriage & Family Life
- Mental Health Ministry
- Multicultural Ministries
- Parish Support Services
- Priest, Deacon and Seminarian Support
- Religious Education
- Youth & Young Adult Ministries
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Our parish goal this year is $25,328. All gifts received over our goal will be returned to the parish for our parish project which is new carpeting for the Educational Resource Center. Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in helping our parish be a light to others.
There are many ways to make a gift or pledge:
- Give online at archseattle.org/GiveACA
- Make your gift by phone at 800-809-4921
- Place your ACA envelope into the collection basket at your parish or in the mail
- Scan the QR code to make your gift
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- Hospital Ministry
We comfort the sick at hospitals across Western Washington, offering prayer, sacraments and companionship to patients and their families. The ACA provides grants to support regional hospital ministry efforts
to serve the specific needs in each region across the archdiocese
- Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Your gifts help gather young adults together from across the archdiocese to reflect on the journey that leads them to a personal relationship with Christ. Youth ministry develops and supports youth ministers and parish volunteers working with youth through formation gatherings, volunteer training, leadership development and more
- Criminal Justice Ministry
We are team of Catholic chaplains and volunteers committed to supporting all people impacted by crime with pastoral care, including Masses, sacraments, bible studies, retreats and more inside Western Washington's jails and prisons.
Financial Report
- May 1, 2022 - 75 envelopes total 4,319
- Rice Bowl: $1,714.25
Thank you all for your continued support to St. John of the Woods.
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Support our parish! Online Giving is very convenient, fast, and safe. You might want to take a tour over to see how it will benefit you and our church, especially during the time you are away from your Church. CLICK HERE for more information and instruction
May Crowning
Faith Formation
Upcoming Events
- May 14: Baptism Class for Parents and Godparents 1:00pm - 2:30pm
- May 15: Rehearsal for First Communion Mass
- May 21: First Communion Mass at 10:00 AM (pictures taken at 9am)
- May 29: Rehearsal for Confirmation Mass at 6:00 pm St. Ann (sponsors need to be there)
- June 2: Confirmation Mass at 7:00 pm at St. Ann Church
Welcome Fr. Hendry Jesu Raian
Memorial Day Mass
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Volunteers Needed
For Sale
We have organic, pure pressed and canned apple juice, apple sauce (nothing added), and preserved pears and pear butter for sale in our office. There are also greengage plum jelly and a limited selection of other organic jellies.
Price is $4 per jar. All benefits are for the parishes. If you want some, please stop by the offices of SA or SJOW from 9am to 3pm or call the parish offices or Sr. Theresa 253-592-2541. Thank You
Prayer List
Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Gary Wilke, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Aurora Maddela, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Marge Berntsen, Donna & Dick Severson, Roxane Fulp, Bob Smith, Joan Ellis, Dave Casey, Judith Levesque, Linda Johnson, Kari Tinsely, Rita Pangelinan, Susan Kitaji, Natalie Vieria, Robert Delgado, Courtney Kryder, Bill Miller, Jennifer Akins, Jonathan Keen, Rod Stormshak, James Moe, Brandon, Gene Otis, Wendy Hanchett, Connie Bender, Evymae Sablan, Isaako Malo, Damian Roldon, Irene Simon, Lucy Romo, John Murphy, Isaiah Williams, Lois Zahnan, Larry Luedke, Anne Gannon, Larry Anderson, Keith Browne, Anna Kaperick, Robert Lumas, Larry Rubida, Dorothy Harris, Liam Chisholm, Carol Kalapus, Evelyn Allen, Danny Sneed, Angie Anderson, Betty Polansky, all victims of COVID19, Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman,