Please contribute to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Our parish depends on you. The ACA goal is $29,103. If we do not raise this amount, we will have to pay the Archdiocese the difference between the goal amount and what we raised. This will directly affect our yearly budget, in addition to the costs already paid out for the insurance deductible on the church wall.
If you have not yet given, you can use the QR code, fill out a pew envelope which may be mailed or included in the collection, or go online at
Contact Sister Theresa
253-592-2541 or
Monty Montes 253-304-4473
A way to honor, pray for, and remember loved ones. Contact Alexis at the Parish Office 253.537.8551 to reserve a date.
Please only use US dollars when making cash donations. We are not able to deposit foreign currency.
If you change your address and phone number, or have not received envelopes from the parish, please inform the Parish Office.
Please remember the church this summer while you are on vacation!
We encourage you to use online donation, it is easy and safe.
Questions? We can help. Call the Parish Office 253.537.8551.
Thank you - We thank those volunteers who have signed up to maintain the grounds around the church, church office, and hall. Please remember your commitment and if you need help remembering just look in the 3-ring binder kept in the back of the church or contact Daniel Soderlind at 253-377-1952. There are still slots available for anyone who would like to help keep our grounds maintained.