Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 16 at 11:00 am start in the hall
We are taking donations for Easter CANDY only!
Individually wrapped candy is also needed.
Please bring to church and put in designated box by April 10th.
Thank you
Welcome back to in person Mass
If you’ve been away from Mass for awhile, we invite you to come back to receive the Eucharist, rebuild our community life, and renew your faith commitment.
Please read today’s Gospel John 8:1-11
The Gospel describes a woman caught in the serious sin of adultery. The Pharisees brought her to Jesus in a attempt to trap him into breaking the Law by forgiving her, or by condemning her and so loosing his reputation of being forgiving and kind
Dialogue: We see what appear to be sinful actions in the others, are we sometimes like the Pharisees too ready to condemn. Do we sometimes argue with others before we try to understand what, and why they act or think in the way they do? How can we stop calling people bad names?
Activity: There are two week remaining in Lent. What are some things that your family can do to help the poor. Perhaps, decide on something to give to the food bank or St. Vincent de Paul, give up something and put the saving in the Rice Bowl, give a donation to the Catholic Relief Services Collection that will help the Ukrainian refugees, pray special prayers that world leaders respect each other and promote peace in the world, help a poor person without passing judgement).
(all totals include online giving)
Thank you all for your continued support to St. John of the Woods
The Saturday night Mass is in need of Eucharistic Ministers. Only one person has volunteered for this 6:00 PM Mass. You do not need any experience to be a Eucharistic Minister, we will train you and make sure you are comfortable prior to serving.
Please contact Daniel Soderlind at 253-377-1952 to volunteer. If you are considering this at all, please help as we are in great need of volunteers.
Can you volunteer to Usher when you come to any of the Masses?
Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 16 at 11:00 am start in the hall
We are taking donations for Easter CANDY only!
Individually wrapped candy is also needed.
Please bring to church and put in designated box by April 10th.
Thank you
Our next Lunch Box is: April 6th
Please call to reserve your lunch the Sunday before that Wednesday lunch call Paula 253-507-5705 or Pat 253-537-4077
Someone is using Fr. Tuan's name to send fake text messages and emails to ask for money, gift cards, and favors. Please BEWARE OF THIS SCAM MESSAGE
Please know that Fr. Tuan, or parish staff or church lay ministers never send any PERSONAL TEXT MESSAGE or EMAIL to ask for FAVOR or MONEY or GIFT CARD.
If you receive any message like that via email or phone, please delete it immediately.
Please remember the parish will only be collecting funds for:
If you receive a request for gift the appears to come from the parish that isn’t for the above, you should ignore this request. Thank you
Thank you
Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Gary Wilke, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Aurora Maddela, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Marge Berntsen, Donna & Dick Severson, Roxane Fulp, Bob Smith, Joan Ellis, Dave Casey, Judith Levesque, Linda Johnson, Kari Tinsely, Rita Pangelinan, Susan Kitaji, Natalie Vieria, Robert Delgado, Courtney Kryder, Bill Miller, Jennifer Akins, Jonathan Keen, Rod Stormshak, James Moe, Brandon, Gene Otis, Wendy Hanchett, Connie Bender, Evymae Sablan, Isaako Malo, Damian Roldon, Irene Simon, Lucy Romo, John Murphy, Isaiah Williams, Lois Zahnan, Larry Luedke, Anne Gannon, Larry Anderson, Keith Browne, Anna Kaperick, Robert Lumas, Larry Rubida, Dorothy Harris, Liam Chisholm, Carol Kalapus, Evelyn Allen, Danny Sneed, Angie Anderson, Betty Polansky, all victims of COVID19, Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman,