Bulletin - 03. 27. 2022
Consecration for Russia and Ukraine
Pope Francis has invited all the bishops of the world, along with their priests, to join him in a prayer for peace and the consecration and entrustment of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday, March 25, the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.
Please join us in person at St Ann, Tacoma to unite our prayers to the Holy Father’s intentions at the same time the prayers and consecration are happening in Rome.
Schedule at St. Ann
- 10:00 am: Rosary
- 10:30 am: Prayer of Consecration
Available livestreamed on Youtube or Facebook @stanntacoma. People can also watch Pope Francis live from Rome on Vatican TV livestream.
Please read today’s Gospel Luke 15:1,-3, 11-32
the story of the Prodigal Son.
Dialogue: What are some of the things that strike you in this story of Jesus? Who are the heroes in this story? Why do you think he is a hero or good model? Do you think it was difficult for the Father to forgive his son? Why didn’t the older sin welcome his brother? Do you think he went into the celebration as his Father wanted?
Form a family circle, pray the Our Father. Then embrace each member and say at least one of the following: “I love you.” “May God forgive you, and I forgive you.” Perhaps celebrate with special dessert, do something together as a family (walk through the neighborhood if it is safe look for signs of Spring, watching a movie on tv, a play family board or video game, etc.
Before and after 8:00 a.m. Mass from Mondays through Fridays
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p. m. Saturdays
3:00 p.m to 4:00 p. m Sundays
3pm (English) on Fridays and 3:30pm (Viet) on Sundays
Holy Hour every Thursday in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Ann’s Church from 4pm to 6pm. We will be saying the Rosary, Chaplet of Mercy, Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and more. Please come and join us to pray in honor of Jesus in the Eucharist. If you want to sign up for being one hour with Jesus, please let the office know
Financial Report
March 19 & 20, 2022
Mass offering: $6,703 Env: 183
Online Giving: $2,404
Viet Breakfast:$1,581
Thank you all for your continued support to St. Ann Parish
Faith Formation
- First Communion:
Student Retreat: Saturday, April 1 at St. Ann, from 5pm - 6:15pm in Hall
- Confirmation
Retreat: April 2nd 9am-7pm
March 27th: Reconciliation at 6pm
Saturday, Mar 26th: Second Scrutiny at 4:30pm Mass at St. Ann
Sunday, Apr 3rd: Third Scrutiny at 11:30am Mass at St. John of the Woods
Saturday, Apr 9th: RCIA retreat from 9am - 1pm at St. John of the Woods
- Marriage Preparation Class
Sat. May 14th from 10:00am to 1:00pm Sun.
May 15th 11:00am to 2:00pm
at St. Ann School
You will receive a certification after class.
Contact Monty 253-304-4473
St. Joseph Icon for weekend of March 26 & 27
Holy Week Schedule
- Holy Thursday (April 14th)
English: 6:00 pm
Viet: 8:00 pm
- Good Friday (April 15th)
Stations of the Cross: 11:00am (Samoan), 3:00pm (English)
English Service: 6:00 pm
Viet Service: 8:00 pm
- Easter Vigil (April 16th)
8:30 p.m (bilingual)
- Easter Sunday (as regular schedule)
English Mass: 9:45am
Viet Mass: 7:45am & 4:00 pm
Easter Egg Hunt
Someone is using Fr. Tuan's name to send fake text messages and emails to ask for money, gift cards, and favors. Please BEWARE OF THIS SCAM MESSAGE.
Please know that Fr. Tuan, or parish staff or church lay ministers never send any PERSONAL TEXT MESSAGE or EMAIL to ask for FAVOR or MONEY or GIFT CARD.
If you receive any message like that via email or phone, please delete it immediately.
Thank you
Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Team
You are welcome to send in your prayer requests to Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Team. This team is made up of members from each of our 5 parishes. You may email to frgtacoma@gmail.com or call Bob at 253-459-2486
Respectful Death Announcement
It is with profound sadness we announce the death of a longtime parish member and a faithful steward of St. Ann, Clarence Leingang.
He was a lector, member of Pastoral Council, Knights of Columbus, and active in many parish activities and events.
Clarence Leingang’s family and loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers.
May his soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace
Prayer List
Clarence Leingang, Muriel Bate, Mary Bostwick, Olivia Davis, Kathleen Genge, Wayne Haverkorn, Nancy Jones, Jackie Lane, Terry Mathern, Doris McGuire, Wesley McMakin, Helen Murray, Neagle, Donald Orris, Shirley Pietz, Joleane Reece, Olivia Ripka, Bernadette Robinson, Rayanne Richardson, Milla Schlatter, Eldon & Marge Weber, Joan & Woody Woodring, Virginia Wooten
We pray for all servicemen and servicewomen and their families.