St. John of the Woods Mission

7025 S Park Ave, Tacoma WA 98408

Bulletin - 03. 20. 2022

Transition Express News

The Outreach Ministries from St. Ann and Visitation meet with Deacon Sam Basta, Seattle Archdiocese, at the March 5 Leadership Training session. They focused on reviewing both parishes’ primary outreach ministries: St. Vincent DePaul (St. Ann) and Ministry to the Poor (Visitation).


Timeline of New Parish/School:

  • how/when does this date affect ability to stay in current locations?
  • potential partnership with Catholic Community Service?
  • combine both ministries into one?
  • new location for facilities?

Funding of programs:

  • funds are needed to maintain St. Vincent DePaul with expansion to greater Pierce County area
  • accessibility of funds needed for sustaining Ministry to the Poor
  • development of new donation envelope that allows parishioners to select one of the programs (or both) for their donation and to allow for accounting of funds

Overview of successful continuation of programs:

  • maintain the established presence and locations in the So. Tacoma area
  • forming a mutually supported partnership with shared services
  • create new branding while supporting the new parish name


Recommendation to Fr. Tuan

The Outreach team agreed to and are recommending to Fr. Tuan to continue to support each other in their current environment as is and to work as partners assisting each other to meet the mission of the Church. They will continue to meet as the Outreach committee to make further recommendations on the above considerations.

The Joint Finance Council of Visitation Parish, St. Ann Parish, and St. John of the Woods Mission, met on March 11th. Financial reports for January 2022 and Fiscal year-to-date were reviewed.


Financial Results

The parishes and mission ended January and year-to-date in the positive (income exceeded expenses). Everyone is financially stable thanks to the generous support of the parishioners.


Cynthia Stefani, Visitation STEM Academy Financial Committee Chairperson, provided an overview of the school’s status. Finances are on track and the budget’s performance through the current year is above expectations. The Council discussed how St. Ann and St. John of the Woods might help the Academy by encouraging parishioners to purchase ‘Script’ sold by the Academy. A portion of the ‘Script’, which can be used at a variety of stores, goes towards the school’s income. More information on how to purchase the script will be forthcoming.


Sr. Kim reported that 220 St. Ann families and 117 St. John of the Woods families have made pledges to the 2022 Stewardship of Treasure campaign. Additionally, both St. Ann and St. John of the Woods have each registered 11 new families.


Update on Funding for the New School

Archbishop Etienne responded to Fr. Tuan’s letter, which outlined his concerns about how to finance the new school construction before funds from the sale of other church properties are available. Fr. Tuan asked for consideration of an interest-free loan to help bridge the gap. Following are highlights of the letters from Archbishop Etienne and Joe Schick, Seattle Archdiocese Chief Financial Officer.

  • Archbishop offered his personal assistance to help raise funds
  • Joe Schick responded that an interest-free loan is not possible due to the standard loan requirements for borrowing from the Parish Revolving Fund (PRF)
  • Joe offered a $100,000 loan from the Chancery that would be interest-free to be used to pay for preliminary design fees

The Council agreed that once the preliminary expenses and a timeline for construction is in hand, the Archdiocese will be approached again for financial assistance.


Additional Information

Fr. Tuan reported the lease of Holy Rosary’s convent, rectory, and school to Catholic Community Services has been approved and finalized. The new parish will need to provide maintenance support for only the church building.

He also reported that a letter from the Archbishop and responses to the questions that arose during the January leadership meeting with him have been posted. You can find them at the Tacoma Regional Parishes website under Parish News – 03/10/2022 and at the Visitation website under News – 03/11/2022.

Please read today’s Gospel Luke 13:1-9

How would you explain Jesus’ parable to a friend, to a young child? Remember a parable can have more than one meaning so each family member may have a different interpretation and be correct. The Lenten season calls us to repent, to turn away from our sins, our selfishness, anger, dishonesty, envy, etc

Talk about some sins and the opposite virtues, and how Jesus wants us to act. When we turn away from sin and follow Jesus we reflect more clearly the risen life that he shares with us through Baptism.

Activity: Ask each family member to write down some of their sins on a small piece of paper, then tear it up into small pieces and burn them or throw them in the garbage as a sign of rejecting sin. On another piece of paper write a good way of acting, a virtue to practice, and ask each one to put that in a special place and look at it often.


  •  Confession

Before and after 8:00 a.m. Mass from Mondays through Fridays
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p. m. Saturdays
3:00 p.m to 4:00 p. m Sundays


  • Stations of the Cross

3pm (English) on Fridays and 3:30pm (Viet) on Sundays


  • Lenten Retreat

Wednesday, March 23rd at St. Ann
Mass at 8am; followed by reflection

Speaker: Rev. Vaiula Iulio

  •  Adoration

Holy Hour every Thursday in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Ann’s Church from 4pm to 6pm. We will be saying the Rosary, Chaplet of Mercy, Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and more. Please come and join us to pray in honor of Jesus in the Eucharist. If you want to sign up for being one hour with Jesus, please let the office know

Financial Report

March 13, 2022

Mass offering: $6,193 Env: 175

Online Giving: $877

Viet Breakfast:$871


Thank you all for your continued support to St. Ann Parish

Faith Formation

  • First Communion:
    Confession for students March 23rd @ 6:30pm in the church
    Student Retreat: Saturday, April 1 at St. Ann, from 5pm - 6:15pm in Hall
  • Confirmation
    Retreat day is changed to April 2nd 9am-7pm
    March 27th: Reconciliation at 7pm

  • RCIA
    Sunday, Mar 20th: First Scrutiny at 11:30 AM Mass at Visitation 
    Saturday, Mar 26th: Second Scrutiny at 4:30pm Mass at St. Ann
    Sunday, Apr 3rd: Third Scrutiny at 11:30am Mass at St. John of the Woods
    Saturday, Apr 9th: RCIA retreat from 9am - 1pm at St. John of the Woods

  • Marriage Preparation Class
    Sat. May 14th from 10:00am to 1:00pm Sun.
    May 15th 11:00am to 2:00pm
    at St. Ann School
    You will receive a certification after class.
    Contact Monty 253-304-4473

St. Joseph Icon for weekend of March 26 & 27

St. Ann Knights of Columbus will display Saint Joseph pilgrim icon, blessed by the Holy Father, on the weekend of March 26 and 27. 

The icon is traveling the United States. 

St. Joseph offered his life in service and sacrifice to the Holy Family by following the will of God. As we gather to honor the Guardian of the Redeemer, let us ask God for that same trust and courage to embrace our own roles as guardians of the family and the truth.

Easter Egg Hunt

We are taking donations for Easter candy only!

We currently have enough of everything else and we really only need individually wrapped candies. 

Please bring your candy donation to church and place them in the designated box. Last weekend to donate is April 10th.

Prayer List 

Muriel Bate, Mary Bostwick, Olivia Davis, Kathleen Genge, Wayne Haverkorn, Nancy Jones, Jackie Lane, Terry Mathern, Doris McGuire, Wesley McMakin, Helen Murray, Neagle, Donald Orris, Shirley Pietz, Joleane Reece, Olivia Ripka, Bernadette Robinson, Rayanne Richardson, Milla Schlatter, Eldon & Marge Weber, Joan & Woody Woodring, Virginia Wooten

We pray for all servicemen and servicewomen and their families.

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