Bulletin - 09. 04. 2022
Religious Education Program
Donations Payable To ???
Parishioners that attend Mass at:
- Pope St. John XXIII Parish, please make your donations payable to “Pope St. John XXIII Parish”
- St. John of the Woods Mission, please make your donations payable to “St. John of the Woods”
- South Tacoma Chapel, please make donations payable to “Pope St. John XXIII Parish” and write “ST Chapel” on the memo line
Stewardship of Treasure
- August 21: $6,491.01 - 66 Env
Thank you for your continued support
The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. So, if you are away on a Sunday, ENJOY; but, remember YOUR church. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via our Online Giving link at https://www.psj23.org/
St. John of the Woods Mission Leadership Meeting
The quarterly SJOW Leadership meeting was held on June 29, 2022. We thank you the leadership team for their commitment to serve our church. The meeting minutes can be viewed HERE
The next SJOW Leadership Meeting will be Sept. 28, 2022 at SJOW Parish Hall at 7pm.
Donuts & Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour will return Sunday September 11th in Parish Hall
Volunteer Needed
We are looking for a volunteer to pray the Rosary and/or the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy before the 8am Sunday Mass. Please consider this ministry, if interested contact: Mary Cabrera at 253-208-2462
Respectful Death Announcement
In loving memory of Jack Nyegaard, a parishioner of St. John of the Woods, who passed away on August 26. We keep family and loved ones of Jack in our thoughts and prayers. May his soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Funeral announcement will come later.
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Regional News
RCIA: Coming Soon!!!
RCIA classes begin Monday, September 12th, 2022
6:30-8:30 P.M at the Pope St. John XXIII School
Learn what it means to be Catholic and explore the beliefs and teachings of our Church. If you would like to be baptized into the Catholic faith, receive Communion or Confirmation, learn more about Church teachings, or come back to the Church, we are here to help you! If you know anyone who are looking for this program, please pass on this information.
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Registration form can be found at the church's entrance or download PDF version from website: psj23.org/form
For convenience, online-filled form is available at: PSJXXIII RCIA - online filled form
Any question, please contact
- LB Gilmer (Director) lbgilmer@psj23.org
- or Sr. Theresa at sotheresa2022@psj23.org
PSJXXIII Adult Catechism Class
Starts – on Sept 21st and Every Weds from 6:30 to 7:30
Come to Join Us!
Contact Monty at (253) 304-4473 – Class is No-cost
It’s one thing to know about God, another to Really know Him!
Catechetical Certificate Program
Congratulations to catechists of our parishes who have completed the Catechetical Certificate Program.
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Office Closure
Offices of Pope St. John XXIII Parish, St. John of the Woods Mission and South Tacoma Chapel will be CLOSED Monday Sept. 5th in observance of the LABOR DAY. Happy Labor's Day!!!
Feast Day of Pope St. John XXIII
We will celebrate our New Parish’s Patron - Pope St. John XXIII on Sunday Oct 9th at 9:45am. Archbishop Etienne will be joining with us for this special celebration. All are invited
Liturgical Calendar
Sep 04 - Sep 10
In Our Prayers
Danny Sneed, Connie Bender, Larry & JoAnn Reyes,Joan Ellis, Daniel & Laricia Garcia, Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Aurora Maddela, Gary Wilke, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Marge Berntsen, Roxane Fulp, Donna & Dick Severson, Jan Talley, Courtney Kryder, Jack Nyegaard, Treaver Yates, Dave Casey, Angie Anderson. Judith Levesque, Linda Johnson, Kari Tinsely, Susan Kitaji, Natalie Vieria, Betty Polansky, Robert Delgado, Heidi Gibson, Jennifer Akins, Jonathan Keen, Rod Stormshak, James Moe, Brandon, Wendy Hanchett, Evymae Sablan, Evelyn Allen, Isaako Malo, Damian Roldon, Irene Simon, John Murphy, Isaiah Williams, Lois Zahnan, Larry Luedke, Dorothy Harris, Larry Anderson, Keith Browne, Anna Kaperick, Robert Lumas, Liam Chisholm, Carol Kalapus. Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO - 1 Stephen Adelman
For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455