St. John of the Woods Mission

7025 S Park Ave, Tacoma WA 98408

Bulletin - 11. 06. 2022

Parish News

Weekly Sacrificial Giving

Pope St. John XXIII Parish

October 30, 2022

  • Mass collection: $6,088 - 169 Env
  • Online Giving: $701
  • Breakfast: $1,125

South Tacoma Chapel

October 23: $1,806 - 35 envelopes

The Sunday collection is very important for us to maintain our fiscal responsibilities. Thank you for your continued support

Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via our Online Giving link at https://www.psj23.org/donate-now

Stewardship of Treasure Renewal 2023

Thanks to 64 families who have already returned your Parish Stewardship commitment card.  We expect everyone else to prayerfully evaluate your giving to the parish and community and after praying, fill out your commitment card and return it as soon as possible.

Your commitment will allow us to establish the budget for next year to support many ministries, formation programs, sacraments, liturgies, facilities maintenance and projects which are to sustain our church. 

The Pledge cards have been mailed to your houses, they are also available in the pews and on the website. You have the option of returning the Stewardship of Treasure Commitment Card by mail, collection basket, or by pledging online at Sacrificial Giving Renewal Form 

We pray that all parish members are eager to return their pledge and share their gifts with their parish; grant that their faith is deepened and their lives become further enriched by their generosity.

Children's Mass 

This past weekend was the first Children Mass for our CCD students. They were in charge of some duties for the Mass: being the lectors, carrying the gifts and singing their songs. Congratulations to all of our students for making the Mass great.

We thank the parents for taking the students to Children Mass and helping them to bring canned food to donate for Thanksgiving Food Drive. It is important for our students and their families to be at Mass on Sundays or Saturday nights. 

Fellowship Breakfast

Come and join us this Sunday, Nov 6 

after 9:45am Mass in Parish Hall 

in honor of our Veterans. All are invited

Thanksgiving Mass Schedule

Please join us for a bilingual Thanksgiving Mass 

at 11AM Thursday Nov 24 

at Pope St. John XXIII Parish

Respectful Death Announcement

In loving memory of Gary Dorfner, a parishioner of Pope St. John XXIII Parish, who passed away on October 30. We keep family and loved ones of Gary in our thoughts and prayers.

May his soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace

Memorial Mass at South Tacoma Chapel 

Join us as we celebrate the life of Frances Gilletti, a long-time parishioner of Visitation Church. Join Frances' family and friends on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the 9 am Mass to honor and celebrate her life.

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Oct 16 - Nov 16

Ministries to the Poor is collecting food and gift cards for the Thanksgiving Baskets. Our goal is to fill 70 Baskets for our new parish boundary (non perishable foods items). Please bring your donations to church with you and place them in the food box at the entrance of the Church.

If you want a basket for Thanksgiving, please call 253-474-0835, Tuesdays or Thursdays, 9:30AM-11:30AM

Pre-K Class


Welcome to November! The days are getting shorter and the days are cooler. This month is about Family. We are going to focus on being thankful for our friends and family

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Nov 1 - Nov 16

In the spirit of providing to those less fortunate than us, we are asking for your support of the Ministries to the Poor of our Parish, who will be delivering baskets of food to the poor and needy this Thanksgiving season. Baskets are available in our classroom for food items.

Thank you for allowing us be a small part of your child’s life


Thank You Note from Don McMakin

"Since I am retiring on October 31, I would like to thank all the Parishioners and staff of Pope Saint John XXIII Parish for all your help and support that you have given me both physically and emotionally over the last sixteen years serving as your custodian. You are in my prayers. Thank you.”

Donald E McMakin

Sunday Hospitality Volunteer Needed

The South Tacoma Chapel is looking for a volunteer to prepare for the Coffee & Donuts Social after Mass. All that is needed is someone to: 

  • Prepare coffee for the social hour
  • Set up table with plates, napkins, cups, etc.
  • Clean up hall after social hour

This is a fun and easy way to help provide fellowship time. Please contact Jeannine Wargo at jwargo@psj23.org or (253) 229-2077 to volunteer.


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Attention: please keep our church clean 

In order to maintain a sanitary environment and to help everyone attend the Mass solemnity, please do not leave trash in the pews or on the chair in the church because it is a place of public worship. Thank you

In Our Prayers

Angie Anderson, Anna Kaperick, Aurora Maddela, Betty Polansky, Brandon, Carlos & Claudia Caballero, Carol Kalapus, Connie Bender, Courtney Kryder, Damian Roldon, Daniel & Laricia Garcia, Danny Sneed, Dave Casey, Donna & Dick Severson, Dorothy Harris, Evelyn Allen, Evymae Sablan, Frances & Margaret Chisholm, Gary Wilke, Gordon & Nichole Chisholm III, Helga Smith, Heidi Gibson, Irene Simon, Isaako Malo, Isaiah Williams, Jack Nyegaard, James Moe, Jan Talley, Jennifer Akins, Joan Ellis, John Murphy, Jonathan Keen, Judith Levesque, Kari Tinsely, Keith Browne, Larry & JoAnn Reyes, Larry Anderson, Larry Luedke, Liam Chisholm, Linda Johnson, Lois Zahnan, Marge Berntsen, Military: SPC Sean Gilson, AMN Mason Land, WO-1 Stephen Adelman, Natalie Vieria, Robert Delgado, Robert Lumas, Rod Stormshak, Roxane Fulp, Susan Kitaji, Treaver Yates, Wendy Hanchett, 

For anointing of the sick please call Sr. Anna at 253-592-2455

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